West Shore

West Shore

Thursday, February 27, 2014


#1957 here . . . I know I mentioned geography for a new post, but I'm still working on that. It is not easy--or safe for my person--to travel all of the island, looking, asking questions, taking photos. I must be discreet.

I do not own my own car or truck or motorcycle or scooter or even a bicycle. I do travel by Transport Vehicle, which is like a bus but smaller. It is too far to walk, too cold to walk. If Spring ever reaches Soybean Island, perhaps I can do better. Until then I do not want to cast suspicion upon my person. But I will tell you that I'm trying to put a map together of what I know. I am on reconnaissance.

Yes, I lived here before and thought that I was free man. But back then I had a steady job. I worked regular hours, many hours, and was too busy to realize what was what . . . Anyway, now I have no true job. Now I have too much time and wonder if being too busy to understand what was what would not be a blessing.

I realize that my photos--my images--are bland. Boring. Mundane. There is a reason for that at this time. The Apparatus is obsessed with images. They do not care much about words and rarely look at them. many inhabitants of Soybean Island do not read and perhaps cannot read. Who knows? That's not to say they are stupid people. They are only ignorant in the sense that they think they live in a democratic society, that they think they can come and go as they please. Very few Soybean Islanders travel and when they do travel, believe me, The Apparatus is watching. They are looking. They are recording images. But they are not reading.

I can tell you that there are three towns on the island, the biggest of which is Soybean Island City. I live there. The capital though is Cornana--many government people live there (though the headquarters for The Apparatus--I'm convinced--is in Soybean Island City; someday I hope to provide a photo, if I dare be so daring). South is a small town where many of the Elite live: Ste Abattoir de Chevres Pres de la Mer. Yes, you read that right. There is also a university here--the University of Soybean Island--which is like a town in itself. Their mascot is a snail--but more on that at some other time. But north there is, rumor has it, a settlement named Ranville. Actually, Stalag Ranville. This I will investigate when possible, if possible. I know of no Transport Vehicles with routes to Stalag Ranville.

So, that's a lot of words for today. I will leave you with yet another pointless photo:

And there you have it . . .

And, until next time:

Goodbye from Soybean Island

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