West Shore

West Shore

Saturday, February 1, 2014

An Object of Curiosity

     I have been here for a year now. It is winter. A bitter cold, snow and frozen-rain winter. I have heard from The Apparatus that I am to make myself an object of curiosity in the community. That is my job description, in total. But if I want to retain what small freedoms I have, I must fulfill it.

I have lived on Soybean Island once before. At that time, I thought it was voluntary. When I discovered I was not a free man, I made my escape. I was gone for sixteen years, but, they found me. Now I am back and under no illusions. There are many others like me here, but we cannot communicate with each other, cannot gather together over coffee or cocktails. We must be careful. I am known only as #1957.

This is a secret diary of my incarceration, on or in or within this island nation. Legally, I am a citizen of the United States of America. I have to be careful how much I write, what it is I post, lest The Apparatus come after me. So for now, I can only promise that there will be more. When I am able to post, when They are not looking, I will attempt to do so. I will also include photos, if possible.

This is a view of the south coast of Soybean Island, near the airport, taken surreptitiously from a Transport Vehicle.

But I must be very careful what I reveal . . .

So, until then:

Goodbye from Soybean Island

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