The bitterness remains in a month that is supposed to be about the release of such bitterness.
It remains smoking cold on Soybean Island and for what little I have to be thankful for I am at least thankful for that. For the bitterness and cold and the smoke.
I have so little to report because I am so little of a person.
I am reduced to a non-entity-entity.
It didn't used to be this way. I was once a productive human; one could even say I was a man of consequence. Back in my old life. Back in the United States and other places. Back when I was an investigative . . . Well, it's best I say no more . . . But let it suffice that, despite my prisoner status, I have done what research I can here in this spit of a spitball land and hopefully will have more to report in the future concerning how this mad non-nation is run and what happened to the indigenous Habs race of humans who once almost flourished, pre-soybeans and corn and rutabagas, upon this island.
Anyway, more pleasing photos please:
Stunning, I'm sure . . .
Yes, old habits die hard and though I do wander the streets and desolate landscapes in my ratty rattan clothes and my shopping cart and bags of non-goods, I'm still thinking and observing and critical-thinking and watching and asking oblique questions.
I am a fool who has yet to be fooled.
Now--look at these muffin shrubs!:
I shall continue my work here. I will reveal what I can reveal behind the curtain of normalcy and staid safety and comely facade. I will.
I give you one last photo. The best photo. The most revealing photo:
Yes. That about captures life on Soybean Island. A picture tells a thousand words!
Except when it doesn't . . .
Goodbye from Soybean Island
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