West Shore

West Shore

Sunday, May 31, 2015

For The Love of Little Plastic Flags

Posts, poles, fences, drainage, metal bars and jail cells and plastic on sticks--these are things much dear to the hearts of Soybean Islanders.

In fact, just walking down the street, one can see the celebration and quiet ecstasy of their love for little plastic flags on little plastic sticks:

My what a colorful display? What a festooning riot of wonderment--right here on the very streets of Soybean Island City!

Now, these little flags are not to be confused with the colored plastic ribbons on wooden sticks, which is another popular way in which the locals mark and celebrate their existence.

(Just as I, by bringing your attention to such colloquial details, no doubt mark and un-celebrate my own.)

But, enough talk! Let's just enjoy the view:

A panoply of plastic!

And here, here is a lonely specimen that tugs on the heart of yours truly:

Quite arresting and affecting, so subtle and profound in its not-quite-singular display . . . Perhaps I am becoming integrated into this deplorable society? No. No. I must not even think that . . .

Well, that's all I have to say for today. For this entire month.

I have not been busy, I have only been myself.

#1957, Goodbye from Soybean Island