West Shore

West Shore

Monday, October 27, 2014

What Next?


Whatever is going on here, upon this desolate isle full of insidious pleasantries?

It is an unexplainable existence.

As pointless as these very words I write and that you who do not exist or know that I exist do not read.

A nondescript existence.

That can only make one posit: Why? Why? Why?

I feel I am entering a dark hole. Down down down into the realm of . . . Of what? Of Why? Of How and Where and Journalism 101?

I do not know. Yet I must post my hopeful complaints--or must I?

What else could be next if I did not?

Would I be nothing more than a piece of thin printed fabric on the physical sphere of existence?

Maybe yes? Maybe no? What next? What now? What then?

I have nothing more to report.

Is this a report?

Goodbye from Soybean island,


Monday, October 20, 2014

Lowly Lying Low

I have been more than hesitant to post anything these last few--or more--weeks. I do so out of fear and apathy. It is quite difficult to maintain hope and to direct my defiance of the regime that rules Soybean Island when I have no true autonomy, when I have no effective weapons besides this meager and insane discourse across the electronic internets . . .

I am but an invisible bird in a white cage who can only sing off-key inaudible notes . . .

Or perhaps an invisible fish who sends out pointless fish bubbles to the surface, a surface of emptiness and carelessness and uselessness and other nesses . . .

A weary invisible Prisoner-King whose forced-abdication forces him to sit--invisibly--upon a warty throne in the streets of visible despair . . .

Among the clutter and broken bric-a-brac appliances of his back-broken non-empire . . .

Yes . . .

To the devastated palace of lost imaginings and procrastinated frozen dreams and desiccated doorways that lead to cages . . .


And empty rooms with small smelly meals out of blurred cans of tin . . .

So that you realize you are nothing more than an unfurled shellless snail on the littered salted sidewalk of life!

Goodbye from Soybean Island,
